Our prosthetic starter kit is made up of seven small prosthetic appliances. Great for simulating injury & cuts. These prosthetic appliances are encapsulated silicone and are made from a soft...
A pair of massively oversized lips, perfect for botched plastic surgery makeups. These are heavy pieces for the lip area so be sure to glue down really well. These prosthetic...
A pair of enhanced lip appliances to give a plumped appearance. Can also be painted up to look like botched surgery. These prosthetic appliances are encapsulated silicone and are made from...
A pair of fine eyebrow blockers ideal for covering brows to leave a smooth finish. These have been kept as thin as possible to avoid adding any bulk to the...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by @jessfxstore A deep, fatty laceration wound measuring approximately 15cm in length. (not including the flashing) These prosthetic appliances are...
This gunshot exit wound is a nice thin appliance so blends effortlessly into the skin whilst still providing an element of depth.This prosthetic appliances is encapsulated silicone, it's made from...
Transform your bone structure with this pair of enhanced cheekbones. These prosthetic appliances are encapsulated silicone and are made from a soft platinum silicone and encapsulated in Baldiez. (dissolve with...
Large / Deep Slit Throat Prosthetic is in encapsulated silicone, It's made from a soft platinum silicone and encapsulated in Baldiez. (dissolve with acetone)You will need to add all extra colour or...
This gunshot exit wound is a deep multilayered appliance with thin edges so blends effortlessly into the skin whilst still providing an element of depth.This prosthetic appliances is encapsulated silicone, it's made...